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A fetish should enhance your life - if it's not, then there is no shame in seeking help. There are lots of different body hair fetishes and plenty of kinksters who love them. If you're looking to share some hot hair experiences, check out the forum and chat with others all about body hair, haircuts and more. Trichophilia, also known as a hair fetish, is when someone feels sexually aroused by or attracted to human hair. This can be any type of human hair, such as chest hair, armpit hair, or pubic hair.
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If trichophilia goes beyond a normal sexual preference and causes distress to yourself or others, a doctor may diagnose you with a paraphilic disorder. That could mean you get pleasure from getting a haircut, or you experience an erotic sensation while watching a shampoo commercial. “Most individuals with trichophilia report being drawn to hair since childhood and being drawn to shampoo commercials which feature hair prominently,” explains Seide.
Why is it good to have a body hair fetish?
It’s perfectly fine, as long as you’re not hurting other people. Seide says trichophilia is considered a disorder when it brings dysfunction to daily life or causes distress to the individual. Hey ive been really scared to reach out cause ive always been ashamed of this kink, but haircuts, especially headshaves have always intrigued me, I really want to do it myself but im a bit scared. “If you’re acting on these desires within the confines of a consensual relationship with another adult who’s not bothered by these drives, intervention isn’t indicated,” she explains. If trichophilia changes from a fetish to a disorder, there are things you can do to reduce the urges and better manage the condition. “At that point, it has crossed over into being a pathological condition that is disruptive to life and leading to untoward consequences,” she explains.
What it’s like living with trichophilia – the sexual fetish for hair
Then, there's transvestite hair salons or spas where the full treatment involves a haircut, hair massage, shampoo, and rollers. The shampoo and rollers ritual is also shared by straight enthusiasts. Long, upright hair (beehive, flip, etc.) is perhaps the most common fetish, followed by long, straight hair, followed by curly hair, followed by short, stubbly hair. Enthusiasts like to put the hair in their mouth during sex, but many achieve orgasm just by touching the hair or by masturbating (sometimes on the hair itself, but not always)”. However, the most common focus for this attraction seems to be human head hair.

Trichophilia can present as a long or short hair fetish, hair-pull fetish, or haircut fetish, among others. I have yet to track down the study (or studies) demonstrating this, but based on other pleasurable activities that have been shown to produce endorphins, there is no reason not to think this isn’t the case with hair grooming. In a previous blog on fetishism, I wrote at length about a study led by Dr G. Scorolli (University of Bologna, Italy) on the relative prevalence of different fetishes using online fetish forum data. It was estimated (very conservatively in the authors’ opinion), that their sample size comprised at least 5000 fetishists (but was likely to be a lot more). Their results showed that body part fetishes were most common (33%) with trichophilic fetish sites accounting for 7% of all sites studied (6,707 fetishists in total). A further 864 fetishists comprised other types of body hair including depilation sites, beards, and pubic hair.

Should I tell my hairdresser that having my hair shaved turns me on?
What it’s like living with trichophilia – the sexual fetish for hair - Dazed
What it’s like living with trichophilia – the sexual fetish for hair.
Posted: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Regardless of your preference, if you find hair erotic, Saltz says it’s generally not a problem. It’s just one of the many things humans enjoy as part of their sexual life. “An individual with trichophilia would derive sexual pleasure from viewing, touching, and in rare cases, eating hair,” says Seide.
For kinksters into hair
This includes public posts and comments, unsolicited DM's, targeted harassment, AND peer-pressuring interactions with those outside of our community. It is totally acceptable to disagree with other members of the sub but be responsible, and be sure to separate fantasy/RP from reality. Avoid low-quality or irrelevant posts (for example, a blurry picture where hair is clearly not the focus) or spamming of similar/repetitive posts in this sub.
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These include the generic "What would you do to my hair?" and "What do you think of my hair?" type of posts, which don't provide any unique engagement and are typically non-OC posts. When creating non-OC posts, provide credit whenever possible and make sure it is obvious to others that you are not the content creator.
Why do hair fetishes exist?
Body hair fetishes are popular amongst kinksters, and it's easy to see why with it being something humans actively grow, cut, and style - plus smoothness and hairiness are both sensual. Hair pulling is a kink many people indulge in, and hair removal can be an incredibly erotic experience, especially when shared with another person. If you're looking for ways to use hair pulling in a kinky context, check out the free course A Quick Guide to Hair Pulling, hosted by The BDSM Training School.
Phil first realised he was intrigued by head hair (or the lack thereof) when he was seven-years-old. He recalls sitting behind a boy in class who had his neck shaved high and close, and he yearned to reach out and touch it. As he hit puberty and started to become interested in women, he realised that he found it a particular turn on when women would change up their hairstyles.
If this fetish is interfering with your daily activities or relationships, or causing harm to someone else, consider seeing a mental health professional. That said, she points out that treatment is only recommended if the condition is leading to a disruption in your life, or you feel tormented by the urges. Since there is no cure for trichophilia, Seide says treatment will focus on management of the condition. When trichophilia starts to interfere with daily obligations, Seide says it’s an indication that it’s become a disorder.
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